Top 10 Most Popular Dog Breeds in India with Prices in 2024

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In India people love dogs and it is a trend to keep them as pets. In this article, we are going to discuss the top 10 most popular dog breeds in India.


Beagles are intelligent, playful, and friendly. Originally they were bred to hunt small animals such as foxes and rabbits. However, nowadays they are popular as family pets. Early training is necessary for this breed and they are quick learner too.

A standard quality Beagle dog price in India ranges from 20,000₹ to 40,000₹ while a KCI-registered one costs around 40,000₹ to 70,000₹.

German Shepherd

German shepherds are well-known due to their incredible intelligence and unconditional loyalty. They are widely used in military operations and law enforcement such as bomb detection and forensics. Due to these abilities, they are one of the most popular dog breeds in India.

A standard quality German Shepherd price in India ranges from 30,000₹ to 60,000₹ and the one registered in KCI costs around 50,000₹ to 80,000₹.

Golden Retriever

They are well known due to their friendliness and intelligence, making them one of India’s most popular dog breeds. They are also suitable for first-time owners because it is easy to manage and handle them.

A standard quality Golden retriever price in India ranges from 15,000₹ to 50,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 70,000₹.


They are well known due to their loyalty, intelligence, and protective nature. They were bred in Germany and gained popularity as guard dogs. They are widely used in police operations. Due to these abilities, they are popular around India.

A standard quality Doberman price in India ranges from 15,000₹ to 1,00,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to  1,20,000₹.


They are well known due to their unique extended body and short legs. They are playful, loveable, and loyal to their owners. They need one hour of walking daily to remain comfortable and prevent obesity.

A standard quality Dachshund price in India ranges from 50,000₹ to 1,40,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 70,000₹ to 1,70,000₹.

Labrador Retriever

Labrador dogs have a kind, calm, friendly, and outgoing nature. They are very loyal to their owners and always enjoy to play with and pleasure their owners. They enjoy participating in outdoor activities such as swimming and hiking. They are also used in rescue and therapy missions to assist humans. Due to their abilities, they are one of the most popular dog breeds in India.

A standard quality Labrador price in India ranges from 10,000₹ to 70,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 20,000₹ to 90,000₹.


Pomeranian dogs are highly active, energetic, and intelligent. They are well known due to their adorable look and luxurious coats. They require regular grooming due to the shedding of their furry coats. Sometimes they act as stubborn and bark excessively, so they need proper training to do well.

Due to their Stubborn behavior, they are not suitable for inexperienced owners. They are suitable only foe those dog lovers who have some experience of paranting a dog.

A standard quality Pomeranian dog price in India ranges from 8,000₹ to 40,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 20,000₹ to 80,000₹.


Boxer dogs are friendly, affectionate, and intelligent. They are loyal and make strong bonds with their owners. They have a short and smooth coat which requires less grooming, once a week is enough.

A standard quality Boxer dog price in India ranges from 30,000₹ to 60,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 50,000₹ to 80,000₹.


They are well known for their friendliness and affectionateness behavior. They need less maintenance because they require less grooming and exercise. They are also suitable for owners living in small apartments.

A standard quality pug dog price in India ranges from 15,000₹ to 50,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 80,000₹.

Great Dane

Great Danes are well known due to their friendliness, loyalty, and sociable behavior. They often behave well with children and other pets. Due to their large size, they are not suitable for owners living in small houses and apartments.

A standard quality Great Dane price in India ranges from 50,000₹ to 1,20,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 70,000₹ to 1,50,000₹.


Rottweilers are one of the oldest dog breeds in the world. They originated from the Rottweil region of Germany. In the early days, they were used by butchers to carry meat to the market. However, now they are used to herd stocks in many countries. They are also used in rescue missions, police, and military operations.

They are suitable for experienced owners. They require one or two hours of walking daily to remain active and comfortable.

A standard quality Rottweiler price in India ranges from 15,000₹ to 90,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 1,30,000₹ .

Basset Hound

The Basset hound is a scent hound breed, basically bred for preying on small animals. They are known for their short legs, sagging ears, wrinkled faces, and sad eyes. They are 25cm to 38cm tall with heavy weight in the range from 20kg to 35kg. They are renowned for their relaxed, calm, and tolerant nature. They are welcoming and polite to people and also tolerate children. They enjoy active walks daily.

A standard quality Basset Hound price in India ranges from 25,000₹ to 35,000₹ while KCI registered one cost around 35,000₹ to 45,000₹ .


Poodle is an extremely smart, clever, proud, and extraordinary dog breed with distinguished thick, curly fur and slim neck. The varieties for poodle are toy, miniature, and standard. They are up to 15 inches in the case of a standard poodle. They are impressively intelligent, highly trainable, and very athletic. Therefore, they vigorously walk. They are a great family dog.

A standard quality poodle price in India ranges from 60,000₹ to 1,30,000₹ while KCI registered one cost around 80,000₹ to 1,80,000₹ .

Jack Russell Terrier

One of the most loved dog breeds in the UK is the lively and energetic British breed, Jack Russell. They are not recognized as breeds officially. They are 25-35cm tall. They may be smooth, broken, or wire-coated. Their extreme energy and eagerness require a high level of exercise and stimulus. High energy can also lead to bad behavior. Jack Russells are highly trainable and curious. They are loyal and protective of active pet parents.

A standard quality Jack Russel Terrier price in India ranges from 25,000₹ to 35,000₹ while KCI registered one cost around 35,000₹ to 45,000₹ .

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