The Rajapalayam dog originated in the town of Rajapalayam, Tamil Nadu. They were named after their place of origin. Rajapalayam dog price in Kerala is affordable but this breed is not easily available due to its rarity.
They have short, smooth coats, that come in various colors such as white, black, cream, and tan. They have a tall, compact, and muscular build. They are well known for their bravery, and protective nature.
Rajapalayam dog price in Kerala is not the same but it varies due to some factors. These factors include age, gender, quality, and training of the dog. But the expected price of the Rajapalayam dog in Kerala ranges from 15,000₹ to 50,000₹. A detailed table is given below which shows prices of Rajapalayam dogs and all its types and variants in Kerala.
Rajapalayam Dog Price Table
Dog name | Price (INR) in Kerala |
Rajapalayam dog | 15,000₹-50,000₹ |
Rajapalayam puppy | 5,000₹-30,000₹ |
KCI registered Rajapalayam dog | 20,000₹-70,000₹ |
Show quality or champion line Rajapalayam dog | 30,000₹-90,000₹ |