Pomeranian dog price in Chennai in 2024

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Pomeranian dogs are lively, full of energy, and playful. Due to their small size, they get attention from dog lovers who do not have a big place to build a house for big dogs. They have a double coat. The outer coat is thick and long while the inner coat is soft and short. The Pomeranian dog price in Chennai is affordable due to its high availability.

I visited various pet seller shops to check the cost of a Pomeranian dog, which varies across different cities in India due to some factors. However, on average a Pomeranian dog price in Chennai ranges from 8,000₹ to 45,000₹. The collected data is given below in the form of a table that contains the prices of a Pomeranian dog  in detail.

Pomeranian Dog Price Table

Dog NamePrice in Chennai (INR)
Male Miniature Pomeranian9500₹-32500₹
Female Miniature Pomeranian8500₹-30500₹
Miniature Pomeranian puppy9000₹-35000₹
Male Throwback Pomeranian8500₹-33500₹
Female Throwback Pomeranian8000₹-31000₹
Throwback Pomeranian puppy11500₹-38000₹
Male Standard Pomeranian11000₹-41000₹
Female Standard Pomeranian11000₹-42500₹
Standard Pomeranian puppy12500₹-41000₹
Male Fox Face Pomeranian11000₹-38000₹
Female Fox Face Pomeranian12000₹-37000₹
Fox Face Pomeranian puppy11500₹-41000₹
Male Teddy Bear Pomeranian13000₹-40000₹
Female Teddy Bear Pomeranian12500₹-41000₹
Teddy Bear Pomeranian puppy13500₹-45000₹
Male Baby Doll Pomerania13000₹-42500₹
Female Baby Doll Pomerania12000₹-43500₹
Baby Doll Pomerania puppy14000₹-44500₹


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