Husky Price in Mumbai 2024

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Huskies are known for their strength and endurance. They have steady and dense bodies with strong legs built for strength and endurance. They have erect, triangular, and medium-sized ears, which give them an expressive look.

Husky price in India is not the same and depends on many factors such as the age of the husky dog, quality, training, and gender of the husky. Husky price in Mumbai also varies from shop to shop due to the above factors. But the expected price of a husky dog is around 40,000₹ to 80,000₹. Husky price in Mumbai is given below in the form of a table for all the types and variants for the year 2024.

Husky Price Table  

Dog namePrice (INR) Mumbai
Siberian husky45,000₹-85,000₹
blue husky35,000₹-75,000₹
pomeranian husky25,000₹-65,000₹
white husky60,000₹-105,000₹
brown husky34,000₹-70,000₹
blue eyes husky45,000₹-90,000₹
baby husky15,000₹-50,000₹
Alaskan husky25,000₹-54,000₹
Himalayan husky23,000₹-50,000₹
black husky36,000₹-70,000₹
wooly coat husky25,000₹-55,000₹
grey husky35,000₹-70,000₹
American husky20,000₹-65,000₹
orange husky30,000₹-70,000₹
labrador husky35,000₹-75,000₹
Sakhalin husky25,000₹-60,000₹
agouti husky30,000₹-70,000₹
MacKenzie river husky25,000₹-55,000₹


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