French Mastiff Price in India

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French mastiff, also known as Dogue de Bordeaux is a large, muscular dog with a stocky build. French mastiff is one of the rarest breeds of dogs in France. They have large, massive heads and strong jaws which gives them an expressive look. French mastiff has a short, dense coat that comes in various shades of fawn, from dark to light.

French mastiffs are loyal, calm, gentle, and protective of their families. These dogs are not for city-based dog lovers who live in small apartments, because due to their size, French mastiffs need a large room to play and walk around.

French mastiff price in India varies due to factors, such as age, quality, training, and the gender of the French mastiff. Here is the detailed list of French mastiff price in India for the year 2024 for all types and variants.

French Mastiff Price Table

Dog NamePrice (INR) in India
French mastiff20000₹-90000₹
French mastiff puppy15000₹-70000₹
Red French mastiff18000₹-80000₹
Brown French mastiff16000₹-70000₹
Black French mastiff25000₹- 95000₹
Blue French mastiff30000₹-100000₹

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