Dogo Argentino is a crossbreed between a Cordoba fighting dog (a fighting dog of bulldog type, which is now extinct), a bull terrier, and with other breeds too. Dogo Argentino price in Punjab is slightly high due high popularity of this breed.
Dogo Argentino cost in Punjab varies due to factors such as age, training, quality, and age of the dog. However, the average cost of a Dogo Argentino in Punjab ranges from 40,000₹ to 80,000₹. The detailed table below shows the prices of Dogo Argentino and all its variants for the year 2024.
Dogo Argentino Price Table
Dog name | Price (INR) in Punjab |
Dogo Argentino | 40,000₹-80,000₹ |
Dogo Argentino puppy | 10,000₹-40,000₹ |
KCI registered Dogo Argentino | 65,000₹-1,00,000₹ |
Show quality or champion-line, Dogo Argentino | 70,000₹-1,40,000₹ |
Black Dogo Argentino | 55,000₹-90,000₹ |
White Dogo Argentino | 40,000₹-75,000₹ |
Red Dogo Argentino | 40,000₹-80,000₹ |
Blue Dogo Argentino | 40,000₹-75,000₹ |