Boerboel, also known as South African mastiff or South African Boerboel, originated in southern Africa as guarding dogs by farmers to protect them and their fields from wildlife animals. They have large and broad heads, with short noses, dark muzzles, and V-shaped ears which hang down. They have a short and smooth coat which usually comes in brindle, brown, cream, and red colors with or without white markings.
Despite their size and expressive look, they are very calm, kind, friendly, and loyal to their families. They protect their families at any cost whenever they feel any danger, so they are excellent choices for watchdogs.
Boerboel price in India varies due to factors, such as age, gender, training, and quality of Boerboel. Boerboel or South African mastiffs are one of the most expensive dog breeds in India. Here is the detailed list of the Boerboel price In India, which I collected from different dog breeders.
Boerboel Price Table
Dog name | Price (INR) in India |
Black Boerboel | 100,000₹-225,000₹ |
The Hound-type Boerboel | 110,000₹-210,000₹ |
The Bulldog type Boerboel | 105,000₹-200,000₹ |
Blue Boerboel | 90,000₹-170,000₹ |
The Bull Terrier type Boerboel | 100,000₹-200,000₹ |
Fawn Boerboel | 75,000₹-150,000₹ |
Red Boerboel | 80,000₹-180,000₹ |
Cream Boerboel | 100,000₹-175,000₹ |
Boerboel puppy | 40,000₹-100,000₹ |