Blue Pit bulls have been named because of their blue nose. They are nice and gentle towards their owners and are good dogs for family. They will play with your kids. They need proper socializing otherwise due to their strong muscular body they can cause harm to humans or other animals in case if they feel insecure.
Blue Pitbull dog price in India depend on age, gender, availability, and breed quality. Here are the details of Blue Pitbull dog price in India given below in the table. The data is collected personally by myself across India.
Blue Pit bull dog Price Table
Pet Name | Price in India(INR) |
Blue Pitbull dog | ₹20000-75000 |
Blue Pitbull Puppy | ₹20000-35000 |
Blue Pitbull Male | ₹50000-75000 |
Blue Pitbull Female | ₹45000-70000 |