Top 14 Best Dog Breeds in India for First-time Owners with Prices in 2024

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It is recommended for every dog lover to check and research which type of dog they need before purchasing or adopting a dog. So before this, you should do proper research to check which dog suits you best, because every dog is not for first-time dog owners. According to research, about 30% to 40% of Indians abandoned their dogs on the streets after 3 to 4 months of adopting. The list below shows the 10 best dog breeds for first-time owners in India with their prices.

Golden Retriever

Golden retrievers are loyal, affectionate, and loveable, making them a suitable choice for first-time dog owners. They need less grooming, once a week is enough. They get trained easily because they are quick learner. So due to their easy training and less grooming, they are suitable for inexperienced owners.

The standard golden retriever price ranges from 15,000₹ to 40,000₹, while KCI-registered ones cost around 25,000₹ to 60,000₹, and show type or champion line golden retrievers cost around 40,000₹ to 90,000₹.

Labrador retriever

Labrador retriever dog breed is well known due to their loyalty, loving, and energetic nature, making them a good choice for first-time dog owners. They are affectionate toward their families and love to please them. As with golden retrievers, Labradors are suitable for active families.

A standard Labrador costs around 15,000₹ to 45,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 60,000₹, and Labradors used in shows cost around 40,000₹ to 1,00,000₹.

Bernese Mountain dog

Bernese mountain dogs are an easygoing, intelligent, affectionate, and loving dog breeds. They are not aggressive, remain calm, and enjoy playing with kids and other pets. They adapt to every living situation easily.

Their price is slightly high in India. Standard Bernese mountain dog price ranges from 30,000₹ to 80,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 50,000₹ to 1,50,000₹.

Bichon Frise

Bichon Frise are well known due to their adorable appearance and easy-going nature. They are adaptable and suitable choices for owners living in small houses. They are easy to train, making them an excellent choice for first-time dog owners.

Standard Bichon Frise price in India ranges from 25,000₹ to 40,000₹ while KCI registered one costs around 40,000₹ to 70,000₹.

Great Dane

Great Danes are easy-going, intelligent, and affectionate toward their owners. They are excellent watchdogs and protect their families at any cost. They shed very little, so need less grooming. They are usually obedient and easy to train, making them suitable for first-time dog owners.

Standard Great Dane price in India ranges from 30,000₹ to 80,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 40,000₹ to 1,20,000₹.

Yorkshire Terrier

They are well known due to their beautiful appearance, loyalty, and affectionateness, making them an excellent choice for inexperienced owners. They love to learn new commands to please their owners.

Standard Yorkshire terrier price in India range from 25,000₹ to 80,000₹, while KCI registered one range from 40,000₹ to 1,00,000₹.


They are well known due to their happy-go-lucky personality, making them suitable for inexperienced dog owners. They have short coats, which means they need less grooming. Due to their small size, they are suitable for small households.

The Standard pug dog price in India ranges between 15,000₹ to 60,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 80,000₹.


They are intelligent, loyal, and enjoy playing with children and other pets. They get trained easily, making them an excellent choice for first-time dog owners.

The standard Papillion dog price in India ranges from 40,000₹ to 60,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 60,000₹ to 80,000₹.


Maltese are friendly, loyal, and affectionate with their families. They have fury coats which makes them adorable for dog lovers. Despite their furry coats, they shed less.

The standard Maltese dog price in India ranges between 50,000₹ to 1,50,000₹.


Boxer dogs are lively, active, and energetic. They are loyal to their owners. They need attention, so they are not for busy owners. They need less training and grooming, so are suitable for first-time owners.

Boxer dog price in India ranges from 25,000₹ to 30,000₹.


Bulldog is a courageous British breed of dog. Their courage and toughness have been used as a symbol of bravery worldwide over the years. They have distinguished features including wrinkled faces, folds of thick flush around faces, and shoulders with loose and saggy skin. Despite being considered a ferocious and dangerous dog, the bulldog is very welcoming and kind. They are medium-sized dogs, tall between 29cm to 36cm. They are highly trainable. Potential health risks are associated with this breed.

The Standard quality Bulldog price in India ranges between 15,000₹ to 50,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 30,000₹ to 70,000₹.


Doberman is a large German breed. Doberman is generally known as powerful, strong, fearless, and obedient nature. They are a very loyal and alert dog. Therefore, they were kept as guard dogs. They are tall up to 70 cm. They are very independent and free thinkers and, therefore, require extra effort to train. They are very aggressive dogs. Experienced owners are required to pet them. They need extra supervision with children. They require one to two hours daily walk.

The Standard quality Doberman price in India ranges between 15,000₹ to 1,00,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 40,000₹ to 1,20,000₹.


The English greyhound is a large breed with a slim physique and flexible posture, initially bred for chasing, hunting, and greyhound racing. They have short, shiny, and easily maintainable coats. They need grooming once a walk. They are very tall in measure, ranging between 68-77 cm. They are medium in weight between 25 kg up to 40 kg. Greyhound is the fastest dog breed in the world, very gentle and sensitive in nature, and requires proper training. They are very loyal and protective of their family. They are generally not barkers.

The Standard quality Greyhound price in India ranges between 30,000₹ to 70,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 40,000₹ to 90,000₹.


Boxer, known for its powerful and muscular build, is a medium to large dog breed. They have a ferocious appearance with a big square head, short muzzle, and slightly uplifted chin. They are medium in weight ranging between 24-32 kg. Adult male dogs may be tall 52 cm up to 63 cm. They require low maintenance due to their smooth skin. Their bravery, intelligence, loyalty, and friendly nature make them very desirable dog for family. They are quick learners and require basic training.

The Standard quality Boxer dog price in India ranges between 30,000₹ to 60,000₹, while KCI registered one costs around 50,000₹ to 90,000₹.

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